Friday, October 29, 2004

“El corazón del Abuelo no resistió esta vez”
Yo no creo que su corazón no haya resistido, creo que ya estaba cansado de tantas noches sin poder dormir ,cansado de tantas operaciones a corazón abierto , cansado de su silla de rueda, cansado de no poder maldecid porque perdió el habla, cansado y molesto de no poder saborear su cerveza bien helada con sus carnitas de puerco que tanto le gustaban, cansado de tantas cosas que ya no podía hacer, cansado y triste de que EL ya no era EL si no el cuerpo de lo que fue encapsulado en unos recuerdos que se alejaban cada vez mas cuando se miraba en el espejo, así que decidió quedarse en un sueño profundo y nunca mas despertar.

Descansa en paz Abuelo
..................................Donde quiera que te encuentres ....................

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

mi voz emite el desafío de palabras libres en las zonas industriales

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Take them out, dude: pilots toast hit on Iraqi 'civilians'

Take them out, dude: pilots toast hit on Iraqi 'civilians'

10/06/04 "The Independent"
-- The Pentagon said yesterday it was investigating cockpit video footage that shows American pilots attacking and killing a group of apparently unarmed Iraqi civilians.

The 30-second clip shows the pilot targeting the group of people in a street in the city of Fallujah and asking his mission controllers whether he should "take them out". He is told to do so and, shortly afterwards, the footage shows a huge explosion where the people were. A second voice can be heard on the clip saying: "Oh, dude."

The existence of the video, taken last April inside the cockpit of a US F-16 fighter has been known for some time, though last night's broadcast by Channel 4 News is believed to be the first time a mainstream broadcaster has shown the footage.

At no point during the exchange between the pilot and controllers does anyone ask whether the Iraqis are armed or posing a threat. Critics say it proves war crimes are being committed.